- 以非牟利形式營運,由多名社區藥劑師主理
- 務求向市民提供多元化、優質及相宜的藥劑服務及藥物
2020年設立 |
2022年設立 |
2024年設立 |
按「1」字上來 |
搭往12-18樓電梯 |
- 增加基層醫療服務(尤其藥劑服務)的可達性
- 提升公衆的健康素養及意識
- 推廣社區藥劑師在基層醫療的角色
- 訓練人才,為藥劑業界的持續發展作準備
- 為大衆提供價格相宜的藥物及優質的藥劑服務
- 透過不同渠道及平台主動接觸大衆
- 積極接觸大衆,提升公衆對社區藥劑師服務的認識及使用率
- 支援社區藥劑師及藥劑學生的持續進修及教育
Our Vision
- Enhance health access especially in terms of pharmacy services and medications
- Improve health literacy & awareness among the general public
- Promote the roles of community pharmacists in primary care
- Provide training for the pharmacy industry to aid continuous future development
Our Mission
- To provide affordable medications with pharmaceutical care and counselling
- To engage the public via various approaches and both online and offline platforms
- To increase the usage and understanding of community pharmacist services by reaching out to the public
- To support continuous education of community pharmacists and pharmacy students