[2023-03-22] website no photo yet
    Aspirin Enteric-Coated 100mg Tablet

    價錢 (Price):

    $1.1/粒 (TAB)


    阿士匹靈腸溶片 (Enteric-Coated Aspirin)


    太子 (Prince Edward)

    WhatsApp: https://wa.me/85261554928 (Tel: 23383718)

    本頁圖片/檔案 - PECP whatsapp

    九龍城 (Kowloon City)

    WhatsApp: https://wa.me/85297233717 (Tel: 23611308)

    本頁圖片/檔案 - KLCCP Whatsapp


    To know more about the stock and procedure, please press the ‘dialogue’ button below to WhatsApp our pharmacists before coming to our pharmacies.

    配藥後,我們會為病人安排一對一的藥物輔導,悉心為病人講解服藥指示和有可能出現的副作用,釋除病人的用藥疑惑。另外,我們會在每位病人的藥物上貼上藥物標籤,提供正確的貯存方法或禁忌,確保病人用藥安全。如有需要,藥劑師可在徵得病人同意下查閱醫健通 ,即場分析驗血報告和用藥紀錄,協助病人了解健康情況。


    After dispensing, we will offer each patient individualised counselling to explain the instructions and possible adverse effects of the medication. Drug labels with appropriate instructions, storage conditions and precautions will also be affixed. If patients would like to know more about their health conditions, after obtaining their consent, our pharmacists can log in to their eHRss to analyse their blood tests and medication history.



    口服抗血小板藥物(Oral Antiplatelet Agent), 氧化酶I抑制劑 (COX-1 Inhibitor),  膠溶片 (Enteric-Coated), 阿士匹靈(Aspirin)



    Take with Meal


    Keep out of reach of children. This medicine should not be given to children under 16 except on medical advice


    Do not chew or crush

    藥物分類: NP


    #個別情況或有不同,請跟從醫生 / 藥劑師 / 其他醫護人員的指示服用

    #Please follow doctor's / pharmacist's / other healthcare professional's instructions to take the medication since medical conditions may be different among individuals



    Important Notes
    • 首次到訪藥房前,請先WhatsApp / 致電藥劑師安排配藥事宜
    • 親臨藥房前,請攜帶配藥的所需文件的正本
    • ^P1S1S3: 第一部附表一及附表三毒藥 ,屬於處方藥物,只可在藥房按照醫生處方才可購買^
    • 更多的配藥資訊不能盡錄,請點擊以下按鈕獲取更多資訊


    • Before visiting our pharmacies for the first time, please contact our pharmacists via phone or WhatsApp to confirm the arrangement
    • Please bring all the origianl required documents for dispensing the medications before arriving at our pharmacies
    • ^P1S1S3: Part 1 Schedule 1 Schedule 3 Poison, which belongs to Prescription only Medicines, can only be purchased at Authorized Seller of Poisons under a valid prescription.^
    • Please kindly click the button below if you wish to know more about the medication dispensing information

               常 見 問 題            



    Drug prices are for reference only. They are subject to change without further notice. Some of the listed drugs may have special discounts or special selling conditions. Please contact our pharmacies to get the latest price.


    In case of dispute, the decision of Lok Sin Tong Community Pharmacy Services shall be final.
